5-Minute Abs
This will get your abdominals burning and make you sweat off those extra inches around your waist. Do this whole routine including the ab workout and the treadmill abs for 3 sets all together. Abs will be 3 sets of 20 making that 1 set of abs and then go to the treadmill routine. You will repeat that all together 1 more times making 2 sets. By the end you would have done 80 ab crunches and 40 minutes of Treadmill abs! Feel the burn!
Ab Workout
Crunches 3 sets, 20 reps
Oblique Crunches 3 sets, 20 reps
Move to the treadmill
Treadmill abs
5 minutes, warm-up, 1.0 incline
2 minutes, jog, 1.0 incline
1 minute, sprint, 1.0 incline
5 minutes, walk, 8 incline
1 minute, walk, 9 incline
1 minute, walk, 10 incline
5 minutes, walk, 8 incline