12 Things That Are Keeping You Overweight

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Even if you've kicked off a Fall fitness routine and you're doing your best to choose healthier foods, you may not be seeing the weight come off the way you'd hoped. While there are plenty of other healthy accomplishments to celebrate, you're probably wondering what's not working when you step on the scale. One or a few of these 25 weight-loss culprits may be all that's standing in the way of your weight-loss goals.

You Overeat Healthy Foods
Nuts, avocados, whole wheat pasta, olive oil, and dark chocolate are all natural and healthy, but they aren't void of calories. You still need to watch how much you eat of the good stuff. For example, avocado offers a ton of health benefits, but an entire fruit is over 200 calories.

You Only Do Cardio
If you live on the treadmill but never lift a pound, then you're missing out on one of the most important pieces of the fitness puzzle. Not only does weight training prevent injury by strengthening the joints, but it also builds muscle mass and increases metabolic rate. Bonus: thanks to a revved-up metabolism, you'll keep burning calories long after you've slipped off your sneakers.

Your Partner Isn't on the Same Healthy Road
A partner who's on a similar path can be a huge help to your weight-loss goals, but if your partner is not on board, then your relationship may be making you fat. You can't expect to lose weight if your husband constantly suggests ordering takeout, wants to go out for ice cream, or encourages you to sleep in instead of hitting the gym! Communicating that you need his support in losing weight is a great first step in finding compromises — for both of you. For starters, the next time you have dinner out, offer to split an appetizer or skip dessert.

You Don't Sleep Enough
Making time for your workouts can mean less time for sleep, but it's important to get enough Z's if you're trying to lose weight. You need extra energy to keep up with your exercise routine, and skimping on sleep can affect your body's ability to control its appetite: not enough shut-eye increases appetite-stimulating hormones.

You Don't Get Enough Veggies
Eating five to seven servings of fruits and veggies a day is important for everyone, but dieters who go heavy on the produce are more likely to lose and keep the weight off, since a diet full of plant-based foods offers a greater variety of nutrients with fewer calories — and all that fiber keeps the body feeling fuller longer.

You Wear Clothes That Are Too Big
Loose clothes are comfy, but they cover up the body and allow you to forget what you look like, which can work against your fitness motivation. Instead, opt for clothes that have a more fitted silhouette to help give you a sense of your body image. Or, better yet, start the day in your gym outfit to inspire you to do something active.

You're on a Diet. Well, Sort of . . .
Whether you're on Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or your own diet-and-exercise plan, you can't do it halfheartedly and expect to see results. Stay committed to your plan, or you'll see the pounds stay on your tush instead of dropping from the scale.

You Don't Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast may seem like a great way to save calories, but your body will actually hold onto fat because it thinks it's being starved. Keep in mind that people who eat breakfast regularly lose more weight, so make sure to eat breakfast each morning to jump-start your metabolism. Don't just grab anything; include protein to give yourself sustainable energy and fiber to fill you up for hours.

You Eat Without Thinking
Aligning mealtime with a screen like your computer or the TV can be hurt your weight-loss goals. Designating a special time for meals without distractions will help you connect to your food and, as a result, eat less. Sometimes you don't even realize how much you're scarfing when your mind is somewhere else.

You Don't Cut Your Food
Something as simple as slicing up your dinner can be helpful for your overeating woes. Cutting food into tiny pieces may seem slightly childish, but studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less.

You Don't Leave Time For Fun
Since stress is shown to cause weight gain by triggering the body to eat more — especially foods high in sugar and fat — make sure you give yourself time to relax and unwind. And it's an added bonus that so many fun activities (like dancing, hiking, and shopping) are already natural calorie-burners!

You Eat the Wrong Post-Workout Snacks
A post-workout snack is just that — a snack. And unless it's mealtime, what you eat after an average workout should be around 150 calories. Since healthy foods like trail mix can be high in calories, measure out a serving instead of mindlessly chomping straight out of the bag.
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